About the new site

New Year.
New website.
Same me.
I'm back with a brand new website. I transferred over the posts. Some of the older posts may be missing images. I'll have to fix and update as I see them. The color scheme is similar to the old site. The text is a little different, but not too off base from what I had before. I was aiming to make the site perform better on mobile and just look better overall. I think I've achieved both objectives.
I'm surprised that I want to continue blogging after 3 years. I thought I'd get bored and just delete this website when my domain and website premium plans come due, but nah. I got some gas left in the tank, and I'm a little attached to my site. Okay, more than a little attached. I'm working on migrating my site to a new platform by 2026, but that is future me's problem because present me is tired and not a web designer and webmaster. I'm still looking into convenient (and cheaper) options on where to go for my blogging needs other than WIX, Squarespace, or Wordpress. (-_-) (Suggestions, welcome.)
While the website is new, the content is not. The content will be the same, sadly. So, look forward to more reviews, recs, articles, angry rants, listacles, tips & tricks, news, and more in 2025. More manga for sure. Hopefully, I'll add a few more light novel and novel reviews to the site. I'm a very slow reader when it comes to novels. I'm still in the middle of Hell is Dark With No Flowers, and I've been sitting on the first volume of The Villainess and the Demon Knight. So much to read. So little time. No promises, but I'll try to add more anime reviews this year too.
Thank for reading and coming along on the journey with me. Feel free to comment on the blog (if you can, the comment feature sucks), drop a comment on X/Twitter @ThatMangaHunter, or send me a message directly to my new inbox info@thatmangahunter.com. I'll try to be more active on Tumblr @ThatMangaHunter and Instagram @ThatMangaHunter as well, but I'm still most active on X/Twitter.
That's all the big updates for now. Have a happy New Year, and a happy year of reading!