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My Anime Resolutions for the New Year

Gonna make a change

Alright, I'm no anime blogger so let's keep this brief. Here are my big anime plans for 2023.

1. Watch all the anime on my shelf

Like my physical manga collection, my anime collection essentially contains series that "spark joy" year after year. However, unlike my physical manga collection, my anime collection is very stagnant and stable. I don't buy as much anime as I used to, and that's a good thing because there are shows that I either didn't finish or worse—never watched. 🙈 (The sales. They call me.) So, it's time to change that. I'm going to make 2023 (and probably 2024) the year I watch everything on my shelf. So get ready for some reviews of old anime in the near future!

2. Watch one anime per season

My anime-viewing habits have slipped significantly. It's a good year if I finish one show in a calendar year! So, this year I want to try to be more active in watching seasonal anime, and with the list I compiled, it shouldn't be super hard to find something to watch each season. My goal is to watch one show a season. So, that's 4 shows in a year. No problemo...

3. Get caught up with Case Closed (aka Detective Conan)

2021 was the year I got caught up with the VIZ release of Case Closed so I'm making 2023 the year I get caught up with the anime. (Or, at least the year, I start to catch up to the anime.) I left off at around episode 754 so I'm over 300 episodes behind where the anime is currently. However, on a positive note, I can watch them all on Crunchyroll now. No more unreliable subs and sites!

And That's It!

And there you have it. I have 3 goals for 2023 (and probably 2024). What are your anime goals for this year? Let me know via the comments or Twitter @ThatMangaHunter!

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